enrichvs-0.0.5 is released.

I fixed sum bugs in a CRAN package 'enrichvs-0.0.4', and updated to version '0.0.5'.

An advantage of 'enrichvs' is to draw enrichment curves very easily.
It works smoothly even if the number of instances (compounds) reaches one million.

Here is an example.


x1 <- rnorm( 10^6 ) # virtual scores for one million compounds, part 1
x2 <- rnorm( 10^6 ) + (10^6):1 * 10^(-6) # part 2
x3 <- rnorm( 10^6 ) + (10^6):1 * 10^(-5) # part 3
y <- c(rep(1, 100), rep(0, 10^6 - 100)) # activity labels for "x"

plot_enrichment_curve(x1, y, col="blue")
plot_enrichment_curve(x2, y, add=TRUE, col="green") # Add the 2nd plot
plot_enrichment_curve(x3, y, add=TRUE, col="red") # Add the 3rd plot
legend("bottomrigh", legend = c("ideal", "random", "score1", "score2","score3"),
lty=c(2,3,1,1,1), col=c("black", "grey", "blue", "green", "red"), bty="n")


  • Plots are influenced by initial order for compounds having same scores.